I'm Alessandra Freitas and this is my professional portfolio. Here you can find my clips, resume, contact information and my background experience.
New York, NY | aledmfreitas@gmail.com | +1-929-370-4425
CNN | Editorial Producer January 2023-Present
· Make editorial decisions for news coverage on CNN, primarily for the 3 hours of live programming in the morning edition of CNN News Central, including story selection, angles, and expert/voice sourcing.
· Research and pitch stories for cross-platform news coverage, focusing on relevance and timeliness.
· Cover historic events such as the 2024 Presidential Election and land and coordinate interviews with high-profile guests such as lawmakers, elected officials, campaign surrogates, world leaders and heads of major industries.
· Conduct pre-interviews, set up on-camera segments, coordinate b-rolls and manage multimedia elements.
· Use best editorial judgment, network of sources and investigative journalism skills to locate and handle unique sources and newsmakers to enhance storytelling, including exclusive interviews (e.g., Sarah Brandao, the sister of Deborah Brandao, who was murdered by Danilo Cavalcante – he escaped a Pennsylvania prison which prompted one of the biggest manhunts in U.S. history).
· Collaborate with anchors, correspondents, reporters and senior producers to craft impactful TV segments.
CNN Brasil | International Correspondent July 2024-Present
· Report live on U.S. and world affairs for CNN Brasil, translating complex events for Latin American audiences.
· Interview newsmakers about events and issues that have repercussions in Brazil and Latin America.
· React to breaking news with accurate, concise updates during live broadcasts; participate in panels with experts and reporters around the globe to offer context to current affairs
· Produce and deliver live shots and news packages while collaborating with remote teams.
CNN | Associate Producer - Erin Burnett OutFront & Reliable Sources April 2021-December 2022
· Produced and edited videos for TV and digital platforms, enhancing visual storytelling.
· Pitched impactful stories and secured guests for on-air segments.
· Analyzed complex data to produce graphics for visually compelling segments.
· Licensed content and ensured editorial accuracy.
· Copy edited scripts and banners and conducted in-depth research on various topics.
CNN | Production Assistant - Early Start, New Day & Reliable Sources March 2019-April 2021
· Pitched and wrote stories, including an investigative piece on a sexual harassment scandal involving a prominent director at the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater.
· Sourced and edited videos during live and breaking news coverage.
· Wrote scripts for air.
· Conducted in-depth research and found sources for live newscasts and special documentaries.
· Captured Black Lives Matter protest footage for Great Big Story.
· Supported producers with control room operations and segment preparation.
Who Is Coffee, Inc. | Creative Director March 2021-Novemeber 2022
· Directed field shoots in Colombia to cover specialty coffee farmers’ stories.
· Designed and implemented brand strategy across digital platforms.
· Scripted and edited long-form videos and developed social media content strategies.
Dow Jones | Engagement Editor March 2018-March 2019
· Developed a video strategy for Barron’s magazine and launched their Instagram and Reddit presence.
· Led Barron’s community journalism strategy, pitching and producing stories focused on specific communities and readers.
· Wrote financial articles on topics such as Bitcoin and the Brazilian market.
· Directed social media strategy and created platform-specific projects, including flash briefings for voice platforms (e.g. Amazon Alexa and Google Home).
ProPublica | Investigative Unit Research Assistant / Reporter January 2017-May 2018
· Reported on award-winning investigations, including a series on military waste and another on maternal mortality in the U.S.
· Worked on Lost Mothers, a major multimedia piece which resulted in several states (including Pennsylvania, Oregon and Indiana) to pass legislation to establish or strengthen review committees to investigate childbirth-related deaths; and in President Trump signing the Preventing Maternal Deaths Act in December 2018.
· Found sources, conducted interviews, analyzed data, and pitched innovative ideas for digital content presentation (e.g. audiograms and interactive features on the main digital piece).
HuffPost | Production & Research Intern July 2017-December 2017
· Conducted research, found sources and developed social media strategies for "Listen to America," a 25-city bus tour covering underreported stories across the country.
· Wrote a widely shared human-interest story about a Holocaust survivor.
· Created strategies for expanding HuffPost’s presence on voice platforms and other emerging media.
Wall Street Journal | User Experience Researcher January 2017-May 2017
· Created video explainers on complex financial issues.
· Created a strategy and a best-practices guide for the Wall Street Journal video team for distributing and promoting video explainers on various platforms.
· Conducted user-testing and A/B testing for the video team.
Finding Sanctuary (NYU)
· New York Emmy for Public/Current/Community Affairs: Series (2018)
· Horizon Interactive Awards for Short Film / Documentary (2017)
Lost Mothers (ProPublica)
· Pulitzer Prize Finalist for Explanatory Reporting (2018)
· George Polk Award (2018)
· Peabody Award for Radio and Podcast (2018)
· Goldsmith Prize for Investigative Reporting (2018)
· Regional Edward R. Murrow Awards for Excellence in Innovation and for Excellence in Social Media (2018)
· The Deadline Club Award for Public Service (2018)
Master’s in Digital Multimedia Journalism (Studio 20), New York University September 2016-December 2017
B.A. in Journalism and Social Communication, Faculdade Cásper Líbero, Brazil January 2012-December 2015
· Languages: English (native), Portuguese (native), Italian (fluent), Spanish (fluent), French (conversational)
· Technical Skills: Adobe Suite (Premiere, Audition, Photoshop), Final Cut, Microsoft Office, Inews, MIRA
· Web Development: HTML, CSS, WordPress, Squarespace, SEO
· Multimedia Tools: Sony FS7, DSLR cameras, GoPro Omni Rig
The Deadline Club (Society of Professional Journalists NYC Chapter) - Executive Council Member (2022-present)