Academic work

Here you can find the academic projects I did during my Bachelor and Masters degree.

Voicing News

In partnership with HuffPost, I developed a project that nailed down content and distribution strategies for voice platforms such as Google Home and Amazon Alexa.

News Literacy - Virtual Reality

I became literate in Virtual Reality and wrote an article to present it as journalism's new frontier. 

Cross Streets

I produced one chapter for this interactive multimedia project at NYU. My story covered how formerly incarcerated individuals reintegrate society after being released. 

PressPlay - video newsletters

I wrote a feasibility plan for a startup focused on producing video newsletters.

Finding Sanctuary

I managed this interactive multimedia project that follows six people in their journey to find sanctuary in NYC.

Algemas Invisíveis - A realidade obscura do tráfico de mulheres

Invisible Handcuffs - The obscure reality of women trafficking
As a final project for my Bachelor's degree, I produced a long-form documentary about women trafficking focused on sexual exploitation.