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Published 35 years ago, newspaper PrimeiraMão still sells 80.000 copies per month
When it comes to classified ads, there is no greater reference in the capital than the newspaper PrimeiraMão, the one which symbol is a bite apple. Launched in November 1980 by Editora Haple and originally named SegundaMão, it had its name changed the following year as a request from readers. One of its most celebrated sections, the exchanges, hosts business proposals that were unusual in the 1980s (check out some of these barter attempts on the sideboard). At the time, the outlet had 300 employees and was printed at a shop in Vitrine Iguatemi Shopping Center in Pinheiros. In 1987, it moved to its current headquarters on Avenida Rebouças, almost on the corner of Avenida Brasil. In that same year, it sold 60.000 copies in a single day. Currently, it sells 80.000 monthly editions at a price of 2.95 reais.
> Bicycle Caloi 1979 for typewriter Remington or Olivetti (1981)
> Office sofa for chair of wheels (1981)
> Fusca 1972 for telephone in Barra Funda (1981)
> Mobylette 1959 for combed knitting machine (1981)
> Award Winning Dog Doberman for color television series (1982)
> 32-Caliber Taurus Revolver for Answering Machine (1982)
> Title of member of Corinthians for magnesium wheel for Fiat (1982)
1981 edition and Typewriter: frequent item in the business from decades ago