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Adoniran Barbosa's masterpiece, Trem das Onze was elected the most Paulistan of all songs
The quiet neighborhood of the North Zone would never be the same after the verses "I live in Jaçanã ...". Elected the song that best represents the city in a poll this month on the site of VEJA SÃO PAULO, Trem das Onze was created in September 1964 by Adoniran Barbosa (1910- 1982). Contrary to what the lyrics say, the samba artist did not really live in the region, but was inspired to create the stanzas during the train journeys to the Maristela Cinematographic Company, where he worked as an actor. The branch of 21 kilometers connected the Cantareira to Guarulhos and existed between 1894 and 1965.The song was popularized by the famous version of the group Demônios da Garoa, recorded shortly after its release and it was incorporated to other successes of the career of Adoniran, like Saudosa Maloca ( 1951), Samba do Arnesto (1953) and Tiro ao Álvaro (1960).
Upper photo: The samba artist, in the 70's: trips to work inspired the song
Bottom photo: Cantareira's composition, extinct in 1965