In the bottom it says: With stories from reporters Alessandra Freitas, Felipe Neves, Juliene Moreti and Thais Reis Oliveira. I selected and translated the one I wrote. 

Watch the ticket!

In December 2011, a resolution of the National Traffic Council (Contran) ended the mandatory installation of signs warning of the presence of radars on Brazilian streets and highways. Some Paulistanos*, however, began to paint, on their own, the poles from which the signaling had been withdrawn. The CET tends to come on the scene to erase the intervention, but it's been hard to handle the message. Last week, there were alerts in various parts of the capital (see table). Last year, more than 3.1 million speeding tickets were levied in the metropolis. Below are some of the locations:

› Alameda Santos, 2777, Jardim Paulista
› Avenida Paulo VI, 1450, Perdizes
› Avenida Doutor Arnaldo, 1135, Pinheiros
› Avenida Henrique Schaumann, 500, Pinheiros (photo)
› Avenida Professor Frederico Hermann Júnior, 345, Pinheiros

*People born in Sao Paulo