In the bottom it says: With stories from reporters Alessandra Freitas, Gabriela Boccaccio and Marcos Oliveira. I selected and translated the ones I wrote. 

The skeletons of Bancoop in the capital

The first accusations against the Construction Company Bancoop came to the Public Prosecution Service in 2006. With approximately 87 million reais in debt, the Banking Union cooperative faces accusations of stellarity, false ideology and misappropriation for failing to deliver sixteen projects, which harmed 6,292 owners. Ten of these condominiums were passed on to other contractors, but six remain as skeletons haunting the capital, with no plans to be finalized by Bancoop. Check out details of the buildings:

Residential Address Release year Impaired owners Average price of apartments *
Bela Cintra Residence Bela Cintra street, 336/338, Jardins 2001 208 59 000 reais
Jardim Anália Franco Francisco Marengo street, 1210, Tatuapé 2001 264 90 000 reais
Liberty Boulevard Conselheiro Furtado street, 868, Liberdade 2002 288 42000 reais
Residencial Casa Verde Reims street, 120, Casa Verde 2001 336 54 000 reais
Residencial Maison Piaget Pelegrino street, 164, Santana 2002 64 93 000 reais
Residencial Torres da Mooca Marina Crespi street, 160/162, Mooca 2000 252 54000 reais

*Values announced at the time

Narcissus in 3D

How about having a miniature replica of yourself? This is what the company MiniYou proposes, which creates custom ceramic dolls for its customers. The technique is to "scan" the interested person on a turntable for three minutes. This file is sent to a 3D printer; after that, it takes four hours to create the product. The pieces are between 5 and 22 centimeters and cost from 199.90 to 1099 reais. The deadline for delivery is fifteen days. Information at