Mysteries of the city

Gastronomic dictionary

It is not uncommon to encounter strange words on the menu of restaurants. Masked by terms in other languages, simple recipes go through sophisticated dishes. Reopened in January in the Jardins, the contemporary Tête à Tête, for example, serves a jus court, which integrates the executive menu, for 49.90 reais. Below is a list with the meaning of this and other menu terms from some restaurants.

› Aligot (D.O.M.) — Mashed potatoes with cheese
› Blinis (Freddy) — Mini pancake (photo)
› Emincé (Alucci Alucci) — Stew
› Jus court (Tête à Tête) — Meat souce
› Laban (Chou) — Lebanese Yogurt
› Zest (SubAstor) — Bark of citrus